White collar crimes often involve very complex plots that involve fraud and end in theft. These crimes aren’t victimless, even though it can be corporations or other entities that suffer the loss. People who commit white collar crimes often find themselves facing very serious charges that require very complex defense strategies.
There are several different types of crimes that are considered white collar crimes, each of which varies at least slightly from the others. Tax evastion, insurance fraud, securities fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering are examples of white collar crimes. In each of these crimes, deceitful practices are at the heart of the matter.
Every white collar crime has specific points that must be present for the charges. Embezzlment, for example, requires that you use someone else’s money for a purpose for which it wasn’t intended. One factor that must be present for this charge is that you have to owe a duty to the person who owns the money.
There are some instances in which white collar crimes might be committed inadvertantly. For example, incorrect information on a tax return might not be something that you did on purpose, but there is a chance that you could face charges for tax evasion if your tax return or your company’s tax return isn’t completely accurate.
Often, white collar crime charges come after lengthy investigations that collect a host of evidence. When a defendant is preparing to fight against white collar crimes, he or she must look at every point that will be raised by the prosecution. The defender must be prepared to answer each question properly.
Source: FindLaw, “White Collar Crime,” accessed July 29, 2016