People who have criminal enterprises and those who are taking part in illegal activities have to find a way to make their funds seem legitimate. Money laundering, which involves moving money made in these criminal endeavors into places that make it seem like it came...
Personal Injury, Criminal Law, Traffic Violations, and Family Law & Divorce
Month: January 2017
Maryland might have a new bail protocol that will help inmates
On Behalf of Law Offices of Elling & Elling | Jan 20, 2017 | Drug Charges
The bail and bond system is something that many people who are facing criminal charges in Maryland find troublesome. The bail amounts for charges are often preventative when a person is trying to get out of jail while their criminal charges are pending. For these...
Don’t let a slip up affect your parole and fresh start
On Behalf of Law Offices of Elling & Elling | Jan 13, 2017 | Parole & Probation
We recently discussed how job hunting is a difficult task for person who has the label of felon. For the men and women who have served their time in prison and are trying to get back on the right path, being on parole is another factor that might hurt job prospects....
Job hunting for felons can be a rough journey
On Behalf of Law Offices of Elling & Elling | Jan 5, 2017 | Parole & Probation
We have often discussed what a difficult life you can have if you are a felon. One aspect of life that is often difficult to cope with is what being branded a felon does for your opportunities to earn a living. You might have trouble finding a job, especially if you...