White collar crimes often involve very complex plots that involve fraud and end in theft. These crimes aren't victimless, even though it can be corporations or other entities that suffer the loss. People who commit white collar crimes often find themselves facing very...
Personal Injury, Criminal Law, Traffic Violations, and Family Law & Divorce
Month: July 2016
Adults who allow minors to drink can be held accountable
On Behalf of Law Offices of Elling & Elling | Jul 21, 2016 | Drunk Driving
A rather interesting trend is occurring in Maryland that involves parents allowing people who are under the legal drinking age to have parties at their homes. In this state, doing that comes with the possibility of criminal penalties because of a Maryland law that...
What is drug possession and what are some elements?
On Behalf of Law Offices of Elling & Elling | Jul 15, 2016 | Drug Charges
Drug possession charges are some serious charges that can often come to people in a desperate situation. People who are addicted to drugs often think that there isn't anything that they won't do just to get their next hit. This often leads them to do things they...
What exactly does it mean to be placed on probation?
On Behalf of Law Offices of Elling & Elling | Jul 8, 2016 | Parole & Probation
Probation is one of the possible sentences that a judge can hand down in a criminal case. If you are being told that you will be placed on probation, you should make sure that you know what it means because failing to comply with the terms of probation can mean that...