People tend to focus on the criminal aspect of a domestic violence case. It is easy to understand why, but people need to realize that there is often a civil case that has to be addressed. Victims of domestic violence can seek compensation for their injuries in a...
Personal Injury, Criminal Law, Traffic Violations, and Family Law & Divorce
Month: October 2017
Domestic violence accusations come with many issues
On Behalf of Law Offices of Elling & Elling | Oct 20, 2017 | Domestic Violence
You shouldn't ever take domestic violence accusations lightly. In some cases, these charges can ruin your future. They can rip apart your family and cost you dearly. We understand the challenges that domestic violence cases come with. We can help you learn the ways...
Parole and probation are different programs
On Behalf of Law Offices of Elling & Elling | Oct 12, 2017 | Parole & Probation
Understanding the differences between probation and parole is something that most people never have to worry about. These two programs are often lumped together; however, they are actually two very different programs.Probation is an alternative to jail or prison. This...
Probation sentences aren’t without strict rules
On Behalf of Law Offices of Elling & Elling | Oct 5, 2017 | Parole & Probation
When a person finds out that he or she will have to serve probation instead of being sent to prison, he or she might assume that he or she got the easy way out. Certainly, probation is easier since you don't have to spend time in prison. What you must know is that...