One of the conditions of being on probation or parole is that you have to avoid consuming alcohol. This can be something that is very difficult during the holiday season because so many parties have alcohol offerings.If you want to remain in compliance with your...
Personal Injury, Criminal Law, Traffic Violations, and Family Law & Divorce
Month: November 2017
Drunk driving charges don’t have to be part of your weekend
On Behalf of Law Offices of Elling & Elling | Nov 17, 2017 | Drunk Driving
Before you head out to watch the game or enjoy holiday festivities this weekend, do yourself a favor and find a ride home. You don't want a drunk driving charge to ruin your weekend or these last two months of the year. By taking the time to find a designated driver...
An indictment serves an important purpose in criminal justice
On Behalf of Law Offices of Elling & Elling | Nov 9, 2017 | Drug Charges
There are different ways that you might be charged with a crime, including a drug crime. One of these is that the grand jury issues an indictment. This document means that the grand jury found evidence sufficient to charge the person. It doesn't have anything to do...
Drug addiction is a problem that can lead to serious charges
On Behalf of Law Offices of Elling & Elling | Nov 3, 2017 | Drug Charges
The pull of drugs is something that only people who are addicted will know. It can often lead the person to do things that he or she wouldn't normally do. There is a chance that drug abuse can bring charges of drug possession, but there might be other charges, such as...