We recently discussed how a drunk driving arrest might not be prevented by the results of a breath test, even when the breath test finds that you are under the legal limit. This might trouble some of our readers, but it is imperative to understand this concept just in...
Personal Injury, Criminal Law, Traffic Violations, and Family Law & Divorce
Month: March 2017
Breath tests might not stop a DUI
On Behalf of Law Offices of Elling & Elling | Mar 23, 2017 | Drunk Driving
When you are pulled over and the police officer thinks you are intoxicated, you might be asked to take a breath test. This might be the case if the officer saw you drive in a manner that makes him or her think that you were impaired or if you reek of alcohol when you...
All criminal charges demand action, even probation violations
On Behalf of Law Offices of Elling & Elling | Mar 17, 2017 | Parole & Probation
We recently discussed how drunk driving charges can have a negative impact on your probation status. This is only one aspect of your life that you must be sure to think about when you are on probation. There are conditions for every probation program that you must...
DUIs can have a negative impact on your probation status
On Behalf of Law Offices of Elling & Elling | Mar 10, 2017 | Parole & Probation
When you are on probation, you have to abide by specific conditions of the program. Making sure that you follow the program rules is one way that you can make sure that you get off paper on schedule. One way that you can affect your probation status is getting another...
Drunk driving convictions have long-lasting impacts
On Behalf of Law Offices of Elling & Elling | Mar 3, 2017 | Drunk Driving
Drunk driving charges are very serious charges that can have very serious impacts that go far beyond the court-imposed penalties if you are found guilty. One of the ways that you might be impacted is through your insurance. When you have a DUI on your record, your...