Anyone who is in prison has likely had thoughts of what will happen if he or she is released on parole. There are a lot of different rules and regulations that any parolee must follow if he or she wants to remain compliant with the conditions of his or her parole.
What is a parole plan?
A parole plan is what the parolee is going to do when he or she is released from prison. This plan includes a variety of factors, all of which must be approved. In all cases, the parole plan must include where the parolee will reside when he or she is released.
What kinds of supervision might apply to parolees?
The type of supervision that occurs during parole depends on a variety of factors, including the type of parole the person is released on. For example, state parole might differ from federal parole. At a minimum, the parolee will be required to report to a parole officer. Drug testing and other supervision might also be required.
What are some examples of parole regulations?
There are many different restrictions that might apply to a parolee. The restrictions might vary depending on location and the circumstances of the case. In most cases, parolees are restricted regarding travel that requires the parolee to remain in a specific geographical location. Parolees are usually restricted from participating in police stings or undercover operations. All parolees are given written guidelines about the regulations they must follow.
When any condition of parole isn’t complied with, the parolee can face new criminal charges for violating parole. A parolee who is charged with a parole violation faces going back to prison.
Source: United States Department of Justice, “Frequently Asked Questions,” accessed Oct. 21, 2015