Family violence arrests have increased in Maryland and surrounding areas as more people face domestic violence charges. Authorities in the area believe that financial pressures and new laws have contributed to the escalating problem.
The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services, for example, reported data for every year from 2006 to 2010. In the last six years, arrests have almost doubled and even tripled in some counties. District of Columbia shelters also reported an escalation although police did not give specific statistics. While many counties in the area showed significant decreases between 2006 and 2007, those numbers then began increasing throughout the state.
job loss. Many incidents involve unmarried couples, such as a 2011 case when a woman was accused of murdering her boyfriend with a knife and a 2009 case when a man allegedly ran over his girlfriend several times when he found out she was pregnant.
The numbers in Baltimore revealed odd trends. While the raw number of cases dropped by about 1,000 from 2006 to 2007, numbers have climbed almost all the way back as of last year. Similar trends have been documented in smaller Maryland counties. One exception to the increases is Prince George’s County, where numbers have dropped.
Maryland shelters also have documented more client traffic. One shelter spokesperson blamed the struggling economy and said that people don’t want to ask family and friends for help.
Allegations in domestic violence offenses can lead to a damaged reputation along with significant penalties. A criminal defense attorney will work to reduce the serious consequences that accompany domestic violence crimes.
Source: Washington Examiner, “Domestic violence climbs throughout region,” Taylor Holland, Nov. 24, 2012