Weekends are a fun time for family members and friends to get together, but they are also a time when drunk driving instances are prevalent. Not only can drunk drivers cause costly accidents, they can also be pulled over by the police and face serious criminal charges. For this reason, prevention is the best option for you to avoid having to deal with the serious penalties of a drunk driving charge.
If you haven’t already, take the time now to decide how you will get home from events this weekend if you plan to consume alcohol. This can help you to avoid being placed in a position where you have no choice but to get behind the wheel even though you’ve had a few drinks. You could very well save yourself a lot of trouble.
We understand that mistakes happen sometimes. If you do find yourself facing the reality of flashing lights behind you that are initiating a traffic stop, be sure to pull over as soon as it is safe to do so. Make sure that you remember your rights when this happens. If possible, take note of everything that goes on when you are stopped. There is a chance that civil rights violations could play an important role in your defense against the charges that might stem from the traffic stop.
We are here to help you sort out your defense options, which can vary considerably depending on the circumstances of your case. You have to think about how each option will affect your family life, career and similar factors as you decide on a plan.