When you are sentenced to probation or placed on parole, you are being subjected to a host of rules that most people don’t have to deal with. These rules are aimed at helping you to stay out of legal trouble while you are a participant in the program. If you are on parole or probation, failing to abide by the programs rules can mean that you have to face a probation or parole violation.
We know that you might make a mistake while you are on parole or probation. This doesn’t have to be the end of the world for you, but you will need to take quick action if you are facing a violation of the program.
Parole is a more intensive program than probation. In most cases, this means that the possibility of violating the terms of parole is much easier than violating the terms of probation. It can also mean that the penalties of parole violations are even more severe. We can help you to fight back if you are being accused of violating the program’s guidelines.
It is understandable that you are feeling a bit worried about what is going to happen with your case. Typically, a parole or probation violation could lead to having to spend time in prison. That’s a pretty harsh thought, especially if you are facing the violation for a mistake.
When you face the violation charge, you will only stand before a judge. You won’t have to face a jury. This means that the argument you present has to be based on applicable laws that are interpreted in your favor by the presiding judge.