When you are up for parole, you will have to make a parole plan. This plan outlines how you plan on living once you get out of prison. You must ensure that the plans you make are viable plans that will help you to live a productive life away from anything illegal. There are some important points for you to consider as you try to come up with your parole plan.
What should I do to help me overcome an addiction?
If you have a drug addiction or any type of addiction, you should include going to meetings or going through rehabilitation in your parole plan. Some rehab centers will allow you to go straight into rehab when you get out of prison. If you have gone through rehab while in prison, going to meetings, such as Narcotics Anonymous, can help you when you get out.
What basic factors should I consider?
You will need to obtain identification, a Social Security card and other documents when you get out of prison. In some cases, you might only have to renew your identification and pick up your Social Security card. These items are necessary for most jobs, so you should get them as soon as possible.
What should I do about getting a job?
Getting a job while you are on parole is often a requirement; however, it is very difficult. As part of your parole plan, you can note that you will contact agencies that work to help felons find a job. In some cases, you might be able to go to school to learn a trade that will help you get a job when you graduate.
How do I show that I have support?
You will have to get letters of support to show that you will have support when you get out of prison. If anyone has offered you assistance, you will have to obtain letters for that too. Make sure they are legitimate because the parole board might check.
Source: Life Support Alliance, “The California Lifer Parole Process,” accessed Jan. 22, 2016