When you are facing drunk driving charges, your world might seem dark. In those days, it is vital that you have the representation you need to protect your good name. One person in Maryland is now facing charges that will likely mean that she needs a very strong defense. The woman was driving a bus when other drivers on the roadways called 911 to report a bus swerving all over the road.
The bus driver didn’t have any children on the bus, but was on her way to pick up children at a private school. As it turns out, the bus driver was hired to drive the bus despite having a criminal record. She was previously arrested for DUI, drug possession and assault, and potentially other crimes. The bus company owner says he was trying to give the woman a second chance in life. He says he didn’t think she would ever hurt anyone. He did confirm that she is no longer with the company.
Before the woman picked up any children, she was stopped by police. According to the police, they found open containers of liquor and beer in the bus. Some containers were full and others were empty. The 52-year-old woman has been charged with more than 20 charges in connection with the drunk driving escapade.
This woman’s case shows how far-reaching drunk driving accusations can be. The woman lost her job because of the accusations placed against her. Now, she has to work to defend herself against these very serious charges that have been placed against her.
Source: CBS Baltimore, “911 Calls Released After Md. School Bus Driver Arrested On DUI Charges” Mar. 10, 2015