Suspicion of DUI is a serious offense and it should not be treated lightly. A drunk driving charge can disrupt a person’s life, while a conviction can cause even more inconvenience. Depending on the severity of the offense, a person could have to pay fines, court costs, partake in community service, lose their license or even face a jail sentence. Whether you live in Gaithersburg or Waldorf, it’s an experience everyone should really try to avoid.
Two men could be thinking these things after they were recently arrested and charged with DUI. The incidents occurred on Feb. 22 and were within minutes of each other. A Charles County officer pulled over a man whom he suspected of drunk driving. The driver, a 40-year-old man, was taken into custody and placed in the back of a cruiser. A second officer was assisting the arresting officer, and her cruiser was parked behind the arresting officer’s vehicle.
A few moments later, a car collided with the second officer’s cruiser. The car then struck the arresting officer’s cruiser and then the suspected drunk driver’s car. The car kept driving, finally stopping when it landed in a ditch. Officers approached the car and detected a strong odor of alcohol. The driver of the car, a 24-year-old man, became combative and had to be subdued.
Both the suspects were taken to a local hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries. A passenger in the 24-year-old’s car refused treatment. Both the cruisers involved in the incident were damaged.
The 40-year-old man who was pulled over first was charged with driving while intoxicated, driving under the influence and other charges. The man who struck the police cruisers was charged with driving under the influence, driving while suspended, failure to drive right of center and other offenses.
If they haven’t already, both men need to consider speaking with an experienced legal professional. Finding out how serious the charges are and what a possible penalty for the charges might be will help in the crafting of a defense and help prepare the men to face their day in court.
Source:, “Man charged with DUI after crashing into two police cars” No author given, Feb. 26, 2014