Estimates from police claim that about 10,000 gallons of diesel fuel were stolen from January to August 2013 in Anne Arundel County. In early September, police received clues from an unidentified source that implicated a 49-year-old man in the thefts. Police claim that they later observed this individual stealing diesel fuel on two separate instances in August, but they did not say how this related to the other thefts.
Police told sources that they believed that the Pasadena man was linked to a theft involving around 660 gallons of fuel stolen from unspecified locations in Severna Park and Millersville. The police claim that the man stole fuel from businesses in the area, but the specific businesses that he allegedly targeted were not identified by law enforcement officials. In addition to the theft charge, the man was indicted on charges of trespassing, property destruction and multiple counts of burglary.
The man also faces an unspecified weapons violation relating to a firearm. Although police have not made a public statement about this charge or whether it was related to the other accusations, it may contribute to his potential likelihood of being convicted in court. The weapons charge could also increase the severity of any legal penalties he faces because of the unproven theft charges.
Theft charges can make things very difficult for accused individuals. In addition to legal consequences, many individuals suffer needlessly as a result of social stigmas that make it harder for them to maintain relationships or secure gainful employment. Criminal defense attorneys may be able to help these people beat the charges against them and appeal their sentences if they do end up being convicted.
Source: WUSA, “Robert D. Murphy charged with fuel theft in Md.”, September 07, 2013