A man who served time in prison for a fatal DUI crash is in trouble again after his release for violating his parole. The man was convicted of negligent homicide, among other charges, stemming from his role in a 1994 crash that killed two passengers and permanently disabled a third. He received a 25-year sentence but was released in 2007 to go to Maryland, where his parents lived.
However, in May 2011, he was arrested in Maryland and convicted of driving under the influence. He was sentenced to jail and began serving his time in October. Upon his recent release, he was extradited to Hawaii, where he had been convicted in connection with the earlier incident, and his parole was revoked.
The man was confronted with evidence of his crimes at the parole hearing, including letters written by family members of the victims of the 1994 crash. Two female passengers in his car were killed in the wreck when he hit a telephone poll. Another passenger suffered permanent spinal injuries.
The man’s Hawaii driver’s license had been revoked the previous year due to a DUI conviction; according to authorities, his New Jersey license had been revoked earlier because of three DUI convictions in that state.
People who have convicted multiple times for a similar offense find that authorities may not be so forgiving when it comes to probation or parole. This particular individual has now been convicted five times in three different states of drunk driving-related crimes.
Source: Honolulu Star-Advertiser, “Chronic drunk driver has parole revoked,” Sept. 6, 2012