A Maryland woman charged with a number of prescription fraud charges is currently being held on $5,000 bond. She was reported as trying to pass a fraudulent prescription, and it was discovered that she was wanted concerning another probation violation. And after being taken to an adult detention center it is alleged that an additional forged prescription was found.
Whether the circumstances described are indeed accurate, individuals charged with prescription fraud and other drug charges often are struggling with chemical dependency issues that cause them to engage in poor decision making. This particular woman was accused of attempting to fill a prescription at a drug rehab center – a location where staff is going to be on alert whenever a drug prescription is presented.
Yet such individuals that are struggling with drugs or alcohol may nevertheless be facing severe criminal penalties that can permanently affect their lives. What these individuals require is competent legal advice and assistance from attorneys experienced in representing those charged with drug related crimes.
Though certain drug related offenses involve violent offenders, there are a large number of people that will go to extreme measures to get a hold of such substances but still have not harmed anyone else other than themselves. It is extremely important that such individuals are not classified in the same manner as those that have become mixed up in violence and other crimes.
The above woman charged with various offenses is only 24-years old. Many individuals that age continually make the same mistakes but eventually do turn around their lives.
Source: Vienna Patch, “Police Log: Woman Arrested For Prescription Fraud,” by Erica R. Hendry, May 9, 2012